Raymarcher includes its own library of 'standard materials,' specifically developed for its rendering system.
The material library is built to work effectivelly with Raymarcher and is categorized into two main types:
- Materials supporting mobiles & webGL (currently represented by 'Mobile Simple Lit').- Materials exclusive to PC & consoles.The Raymarcher's material pipeline closely interacts with specialized buffers and data containers.
Mobiles and webGL have their distinct material type designed to deliver a good performant of signed distance functions on these platforms.
Each material type within the library comes with its own specifications, features, and unique behavior.
As the complexity of a material type increases, it demands more performance and memory resources.
It is recommended to use one material type at a time.Utilizing multiple material types simultaneously increases memory usage.
You can
access each material by obtaining a
direct reference to the material instance and modifying its properties at runtime.

List of all material types available in the standard library (organized from the least complex to the most complex):
1. Mobile Simple Lit (mobile/webGL only) - no common material family
- Color override
- Normals calculation
- Only one global light supported
- Specular highlights
- Lambertian shading model
2. Unlit (PC/console only) - standard material family
- Color override
- Normals calculation
- Triplanar texture
- Fresnel effect
3. Lit (PC/console only) - standard material family
- Inherits from Unlit material
- Specular highlights
- Lambertian shading model
- Global light and additional lights (point)
- Translucency feature
- Shadows (hard/soft)
4. Slope Lit (PC/console only) - standard material family
- Inherits from Lit material
- Second triplanar texture
- Slope settings (slope coverage, scatter etc)
5. Noise (PC/console only) - no common material family
- Inherits from Lit material
- Noise settings (volume step, absorption, density etc)
6. PBR (PC/console only) - standard material family
- Inherits from Lit material
- Reflection
- Scene color refraction