Raymarcher Technical & APi Documentation
RM Core Render Master Mapping
Namespace: Raymarcher.RendererData
The Raymarcher Render Master Mapping is a regular class responsible for managing all Raymarcher objects in a scene.
It plays a key role in dispatching created Raymarcher objects to the shader using packed (ComputeBuffers) or unpacked (BufferArrays) data.

It is strongly advised not to manipulate methods within the RM Render Master Mapping class manually, as this is automatically handled internally.
However, you are free to access all existing Raymarcher objects using properties.

To access Raymarcher's object data, obtain a reference to RMRenderMaster and get the class reference with the name MappingMaster:
myRenderMasterReference . MappingMaster . (field/property);
// Current render master reference
public RMRenderMaster RenderMaster { get; }

// List of all the created Raymarcher objects
public IReadOnlyList<RMSdfObjectBase> SceneSdfObjectContainer { get; }