Mesh To Tex3D
Namespace: Raymarcher.Toolkit
Raymarcher provides the capability to convert/render regular meshes into volume data, specifically into a 3D texture.
There are three different ways to achieve this:
- Mesh PrinterPrints the vertices of a target mesh instantly or progressively into a volume box.
- Mesh Slice RendererRenders target meshes with the 'slice shader' and packs the rendered slices into a 3D texture.
- Perspective Driven Volume RendererRenders targets from three different perspectives.
Each option has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of precision and data storage. You can create mono objects for each converter/renderer via
You can watch an official video documentation
Mesh Printer
The Mesh Printer is likely the most effective way to convert regular meshes into volumes.
It prints the mesh vertices directly into a 3D texture.
However, one drawback is that it tracks mesh vertices, so if the target meshes are low-poly, it may be noticeable that the 'printer' created points on those vertices, resulting in a less detailed model.
Additionally, this component is not compatible with mobiles/webGL as it utilizes compute shaders and consumes a significant amount of GPU resources.
The advantage, however, is that you can print any high-poly mesh, and you can observe the printing process.
After creating the component, assign the target tex3DVolumeBox.
You can assign the root into the 'Get Childs From Root' field of all the meshes you would like to print, or you can assign individual meshes into the 'Target Mesh Filters' field.
Similar to the
Volume Voxel Painter, you need to define the volume resolution, and you can set the initial volume canvas that will be included in every print process.
There are two print modes:
Instant and
Instant prints the mesh instantly.
Progressive prints the mesh progressively every frame, and there is an option to travel from vertex-to-vertex over a specific duration.
Once your print canvas already exists, you can print 'As New' or 'Additive' to add the new volume data to the existing RT3D.
Afterward, you can release the results or save the printed 3D canvas.
Properties & Fields
public CommonVolumeResolution commonVolumeResolution = CommonVolumeResolution.x64;
public Texture3D initialVolumeCanvas3D;
public PrintMode printMode;
public bool travelVertexToVertex = false;
public float vertexTravelDurationInSeconds;
public BrushShape brushShape;
public float brushRadius;
public float brushIntensity01;
public float brushSmoothness01;
public bool eraseVoxels;
public int selectedMaterialIndex;
public int maxMaterialIndexInstance;
public RMModifier_VolumeMaterialCompositor materialCompositor;
public RMSdf_Tex3DVolumeBox TargetTex3DVolumeBox { get; }
public RMVolumeVoxelPainter VolumeVoxelPainter { get; }
public MeshFilter[] TargetMeshFilters { get; }
public bool IsPrinting { get; }
public float PrintingProgress { get; }
public Vector3 VirtualBrushWorldPosition { get; }
public RenderTexture WorkingTargetRT { get; }
public void UpdateMeshPrinter(RMVolumeVoxelPainter newTargetVoxelPainter, Transform getChildsFromRoot)
public void UpdateMeshPrinter(RMVolumeVoxelPainter newTargetVoxelPainter, MeshFilter[] newTargetMeshFilters)
public void PrintTargetMeshesToTex3DVolume(bool printAdditive)
public void StopAndRelease()
public void DisposeSensitiveResources()
public void SetWorkingCanvas(RenderTexture newWorkingCanvas = null, bool releaseCurrent = true)
Mesh Slice Renderer
The Mesh Slice Renderer converts sliced meshes into volume tex3D data.
It is the least precise technique as it renders the 'white' pixels of the current slice progress.
The major disadvantage is that meshes whose faces are aligned perpendicularly towards the rendering camera won't be captured.
Additionally, this component only works in the Unity Editor.The advantage here is that it is not dependent on vertex count, but you need to properly align the mesh faces so they are visible to the rendering camera.
After creating the component, assign the target 'slice' material.
Create a new material and assign the shader
Matej Vanco/Raymarcher/Extras/RMTex3DRenderSlicer.
Assign this material to all the meshes you want to convert to volume using this technique and place them within the camera's defined bounding box.
You can preview the slice progress right in the editor, adjust mesh vertices to the camera's view, and change the slice width.
It's highly recommended to use the 'Common Volume Resolution' so that you can easily get the output 3D texture to the voxel painter and modify that texture at runtime.
Custom resolutions for voxel modification are not supported.
All the methods and fields are available in
editor only.
Perspective-Driven Volume Renderer
The Perspective-Driven Volume Renderer automatically creates three 2D textures from three cameras, each from a different perspective towards the volume box.
The disadvantage is that meshes are very approximated, and the result depends on the appearance of the meshes.
The brightness of the rendered mesh material affects the visibility of the voxels.
Additionally, the memory allocation is higher as there are three unique 2D render textures.
The advantage is that it is quick,
compatible with all platforms, and can be used for animated meshes at runtime.
This component is closely related to the
PDVolumeBox sdf object.
To use this renderer:
1. Create a
PDVolumeBox in
2. Create a
PDVolumeRenderer in
3. Assign the created PDVolumeRenderer component to the
Volume Renderer field in the PDVolumeBox.
4. All meshes rendered in the PDVolumeRenderer will be displayed in the PDVolumeBox.
You can then create a
Snapshot of the currently rendered meshes and voxelize them into a single 3D texture.
There is also a possibility to
Merge the snapshot of the currently rendered 3D texture to an existing 3D texture.
Properties & Fields
public float VolumeSize { get; set; }
public float NearClipOffset { get; set; }
public LayerMask RenderingLayerMask { get; set; }
public int VolumeResolution { get; }
public bool VolumeFilteringBilinear { get; }
public CommonVolumeResolution CurrentCommonVolumeResolution { get; }
public bool UseCommonVolumeResolution { get; }
public RenderTexture RTTop { get; }
public RenderTexture RTRight { get; }
public RenderTexture RTFront { get; }
public void SetupPDVolumeRenderer()
public void SetCustomVolumeResolution(int resolution)
public void SetCommonVolumeResolution(CommonVolumeResolution commonVolumeRes)
public void SetVolumeFiltering(bool bilinear)
public void RefreshVolumeRenderer()
public RenderTexture CreatePDVolumeSnapshot(RenderTexture optionalExistingRT3DToMergeWith = null)