Raymarcher Technical & APi Documentation
Raymarcher Modifier Category - Material
Namespace: Raymarcher.Objects.Modifiers
This category of modifiers contains a material modifiers that override sdf objects' material types and/or material instances.
SDF modifiers in the Raymarcher inherit from the base class RMObjectModifierBase.

Create a sdf modifier directly on the SDF Object via components.
It is not possible to create a sdf modifier at runtime as each object must be created at compile time.

Creating multiple modifiers with amplified values of deforming the sdf might lead to breaking the sdf matrix, which will create unwanted artefacts. So it's recommended to keep the effect of modifiers low.
In case you would really like to deform the sdf in extreme ways, you need to higher up the iteration count of the renderer.

RMModifier_VolumeMaterialCompositor :: RMObjectModifierBase
This modifier is specially used in case of voxel material painting - you are able to use up to 4 material instances with common material family and this modifier will take care of it.
This modifier is closely connected with the VolumeVoxelPainter component.
public RMMaterialBase Material1 { get; set; }
public RMMaterialBase Material2 { get; set; }
public RMMaterialBase Material3 { get; set; }
public RMMaterialBase Material4 { get; set; }

public int MaterialFamilyTypeIndex { get; }
public int MaterialFamilyTotalCount { get; }