MD Package Technical & APi Documentation
Namespace: MDPackage
Base mesh class for all the gameObject instances with mesh-related behaviour. Implement this base class to any script that will work with Unity meshes and Mesh Deformation Package.
In the MD Package, the nested inheritation continues to the MD_ModifierBase (modifiers) and MD_GeometryBase (geometry and primitives).
// Process complete mesh update - process calculation, pass data to the mesh and recalculate surface
public void MDMeshBase_ProcessCompleteMeshUpdate()

// Protected Methods

// Check if everything is alright and the MeshFilter is ok
protected bool MDMeshBase_CheckForMeshFilter(bool checkMeshFilterMesh = false)
// Async method for safe self-destroy
protected async void MDMeshBase_DestroySelf()

// Inheritance

// Initialize and cache all the required fields - required to call if inherited from this class
public virtual void MDMeshBase_InitializeBase(bool affectUpdateEveryFrameField = true, bool checkMeshFilterMesh = false)
// Implement this method for updating the main mesh with the new mesh-data (vertices, triangles etc) - See other classes that inherit from this class
public abstract void MDMeshBase_UpdateMesh();
// Implement this method for processing certain mesh calculations - See other classes that inherit from this class
public abstract void MDMeshBase_ProcessCalculations();
// Recalculate mesh bounds & normals
public virtual void MDMeshBase_RecalculateMesh(bool forceNormals = false, bool forceBounds = false)
Public Fields and Properties
public MeshFilter MbMeshFilter { get; }

public bool updateEveryFrame = true;
public bool recalculateNormals = true;
public bool useNormalSmoothingAngle = false;
public float normalSmoothingAngle = 90.0f;
public bool recalculateBounds = true;