MD Package Technical & APi Documentation
MDM_AngularBend :: MD_ModifierBase
Namespace: MDPackage.Modifiers
Angular Bend modifier by the specific value to the specific direction.
Read more here (Online documentation slide)
Public Methods
// Refresh & register current mesh state. This will override the backup vertices to the current mesh state
public void Bend_RegisterCurrentState()
// Bend object by the float value or UI.Slider value
public void Bend_BendObject(float entry)
Public Fields
public float bendValue = 0;
[Range(-180, 180)] public float bendAngle = 0;
The following paragraphs contain Angular Bend modifier component used in a practical example.
using UnityEngine;
using MDPackage.Modifiers;

public class SampleScript : MonoBehaviour
private MDM_AngularBend bend;

private void Start()
  // Add/Create a bend modifier to this object right after start
  bend = MD_ModifierBase.CreateModifier<MDM_AngularBend>(gameObject, MD_ModifierBase.MeshReferenceType.CreateNewReference);
  bend.bendValue = 24; // Set value
  // Update current modifier every frame
  bend.updateEveryFrame = true;
  // Otherwise it can be updated manually by calling...
  // bend.MDModifier_ProcessModifier();

private void Update()
  // Sample bend processing
  bend.bendAngle = Mathf.Sin(Time.time * 2.0f) * 180f;
  // Sample extension - if space is pressed, increase the vertex count if possible
  if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
  // Sample extension - if R is pressed, restore mesh to its original state
  if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))